Monday, 6 February 2012

The Oath

So, as part of my new year's resolution I decided to try and NOT BUY ANY NEW TOYS until last April, 2012, when I shall be heading to scary London to visit Salute 2012..... think a big hall full of big men dribbling over tiny metal men. The reason for this 'oath' was so I can work through my backlog of things to paint, the plan is to have everything done by Salute, so I can spend more of my free time with my lovely lady (or playing computer games, reading comics and eating sandwiches) I found it hard at first, especially after selling a bunch of stuff which loaded my paypal right up. Managed to hold off so far, and it is getting a lot easier as the days go by........ but hot damn them if them new Morlocks for Infinity ain't just too pretty! (see below)

No New Toys Until Salute.... sigh.....

1 comment:

  1. How's that picture no workin'? Was workin' a minute ago.....
